Re: Annotea / Firefox problems " " to "%20" conversion and show/hide toolbar

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> A little bug though, in the datastores list, where there is a space 
> that  isn't encoded as %20 the software seems to split it. So it 
> offered me  something like
> [] [] file:///done%20correctly/gives/no%20problems%20BUT
> [] [] file:///My
> [] [] Documents/something
> [] [] with
> [] [] spaces/etc/etc

I created a new version 0.2.5 and this is corrected there. In addtion, 
the toolbar hiding can now be turned on/off from the 
View/Toolbars/Ubimarks Toolbar menu.


Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 17:21:38 UTC