Re: Annotea / Firefox problems example directories missing

Marja Koivunen wrote:

> Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>> I tried to install the shared bookmarks stuff today on Firefox. I am  
>> running Windows, and Firefox
>> When I start Firefox I get the following messages:
>> It couldn't load a bookmark store that was a local file. I wonder if 
>> this  is a default filename that got installed.
>> message:
>> [[[
>> The following bookmarsktores cannot be loaded
>> file://... (ran off the edge of the alert window)
>> Correct URI or unselect store and try again
>> ]]]
> I need to check if the Profile store tag is not working right or if it 
> is affected by the fact that the profile files are usually hidden in 
> your computer.

And yes, the extension loads some example bookmark files to either 
profile defaults directory or the chrome defaults directory. They are 
located in defaults/ubiextras/testdata directory. I also set the default 
bookmark store directory and a default bookmark file preferences at the 
configure. They will be used in as a starting point for browsing and 
loading bookmarks.

So I would also want to know if the default/ubiextras exists?


Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 19:24:55 UTC