Re: [web-annotation] Model should allow multiple Selectors per SpecificResource

Assume I want to target  two non contiguous text fragments as a single
 unit and the annotation does not make sense for one of them taking 
singularly. Example, I want to annotate the full name 
(Paolo+Ciccarese) in: "the name Paolo turned out to be of a man 
belonging to the Ciccarese's family". 

I cannot express such annotation precisely with multiple targets ("it 
is also possible for an Annotation to have multiple Bodies and/or 
Targets. In this case, each Body is considered to be equally related 
to each Target individually, rather than to the set of all of the 

It is not a Choice, which current Example Use Case (3.3.1) is about 

As I understand, I also could not use multiple selectors as they are 
assumed to select the same content. 

Refinement seems a bit overkill as the two fragments could be very far
 apart in the content.

What are the options I am left with aside of being vague?

In other words how do we clearly represent the three flavors:
- multiple targets and independent
- multiple targets as single units
- alternative targets

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Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 02:55:36 UTC