Re: [web-annotation] Definition of specific resources: @Type

let's take a practicle example from the real world .. inspired from 
the wikipedia example.

If an italian is comming to Vienna and orders a coffee, and the waiter
 is bringing an American coffee, this will results in an emberasing 
situation both for italian customer and waiter. 

In the most cases, though "a coffee" the italian means and expreso:

 and being in Vienna the default coffee should be Melange:

 And it is rather an exception for Europeans to drink Cafe Americano:

This is why I claim that the type of the coffe is a "must" both during
 the ordering process (creation time) and in the billing process 
(delivery time).

I also want to claim that this is the natural behaviour for any 
What I really don't understand, why are the Semantic Web people so 
keen to get rid of Semantics? (for me the type is the core of the 

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Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 22:06:33 UTC