Re: [web-annotation] Cardinality of the processingLanguage?

... search & indexing scenario Nr.2

Let's say we have an annotation that specifies only the romanian 
language in the dc:language of the body, and the text uses special 
chars for romanian language.  The server is using an indexing service 
with an english snowball stemmer.

Let's say that the annotation server is generating a jpeg image to 
store the original representation of the resource, and an indexing 
service for retrieval purposes.

According to the specifications, the server understands that the 
processing language should be the romanian language (for correct 
representation of the text ... ). 

1. What does this means for the indexing service? is the server not 
allowed to index the annotation in the english index ?
(In pactice there are many indexing services that use this stemmer, 
even if the text is other of the latin based languages)
2. Or ... why is the server not allowed to advertise that it used 2 
different language settings for advertising that it used one 
processing service with the romania language and one with the english 

What should the server 

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Received on Monday, 8 August 2016 19:55:57 UTC