[web-annotation] Associate license with content

azaroth42 has just created a new issue for 

== Associate license with content ==

It is common and useful to be able to explicitly associate a license 
or other rights statement with content.  There was an early request 
and use case provided by Creative Commons, and more recently from 
@BigBlueHat regarding existing functionality of annotation clients.


Promote the usage of a license relationship on any resource by 
including it in the model and JSON-LD serialization.  Given other 
usage of dcterms in the same space, the obvious candidate is 
 with a json-ld key of 'license'.  It could be associated with any 
resource (though not a literal body, of course) and would only apply 
to the resource that it is associated with.

See https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/100

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 20:55:33 UTC