- From: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@few.vu.nl>
- Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:01:03 +0200
- To: W3C Public Annotation List <public-annotation@w3.org>
- CC: "hugo.manguinhas@europeana.eu" <hugo.manguinhas@europeana.eu>
Hi, Congrats to the group (and especially Rob!) for publishing the Web Annotation Protocol FPWD. This is really useful progress for the community! As a matter of fact in Europeana we're going to consider it for implementation in the development of our annotation servers, which is happening as we speak, so the timing is great. My colleague Hugo (cc'ed) will probably come back with more serious feedback, based on our implementation efforts. In the meantime, please find below a couple of minor points I thought I'd send now. cheers, Antoine ------- - 4.1 "All Annotations are managed within a Container." I find the use of the word 'managed' a bit confusing here. Is it management from a server perspective, management from a user perspective (which could happen in the client)? Even if 'creation, management and structure of Annotation Containers are beyond the scope', it could be helpful to give *hints* on what LDP containers could represent, in the context of Web Annotation (an entire annotation space stored on a server? annotations created by a specific tool, or (group of) user? Is anything possible?). The LDP spec won't answer this, probably. - In examples 12 and 13: the statement '"annotatedAt": "2015-01-31T12:03:45Z"' seems to be created by the annotation server. I would expect such provenance data comes from the client that asks the annotation to be created. oa:annotatedAt is defined as 'The time at which the Annotation was created' and I understand this refers to creation by an annotator using an annotation tool, not by an annotation server. - ' Resourcs' - '"value": I REALLY like this page!"' probably misses a quote - Hugo has spotted that the text body of 4.2.1 doesn't mention that HTTP POST is the method of choice for creating annotations on a server (it's only visible in Example 12)
Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2015 09:01:34 UTC