Re: MOT Graphic Language

The goals and objectives implicit in Paquette's wall of text are now 
available in StratML format at

I'm copying Kranthi because MOT reminds me of his ThoughtFlow 
application and I am looking forward to learning how it might be applied 
in support of the vision of the StratML standard:  A worldwide web of 
intentions, stakeholders, and results.


On 5/24/2022 10:33 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> Not new, but v good read,
> I plan to leverage some concepts
> Graphical Ontology Modeling Language for Learning Environments

> In the last fifteen years, our main goal has been to synthesize and 
> combine
> various forms of graphical representations that are useful for educational
> modeling and knowledge management, using an integrated graphical formal-
> ism. We have shown that very different kinds of representation, conceptual
> maps, flowcharts, decision trees and others, can all be modeled more 
> precise-
> ly, using the MOT graphic language based on typed objects (concept, proce-
> dures, principles, facts) as well as few typed links. With this set of 
> primitive
> graphic symbols, it has been possible to build very different graphic 
> models,
> from simple taxonomies to ontologies, more or less complex learning 
> designs,
> delivery process, decision systems, and methods.
> Recent developments have led to two specialisations of the graphic lan-
> guage. The first one is a powerful, yet simple graphic language to build
> ontologies for a knowledge domain. The second one enables to model learn-
> ing designs and scenarios in a standardized and computable way. The 
> associ-
> ation between both kinds of models specifies the central part of a 
> learning
> environment at the design phase, and enables its delivery to learners 
> and edu-
> cators. In the final section, I assert that knowledge representation 
> for educa-
> tion should be graphic, user-friendly, general, scalable, declarative, 
> standard-
> ized and computable. Adiscussion of these criteria conclude

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2022 02:53:17 UTC