Re: Publishing the report

Paola et al

Should  AIKRCG take on the a task of determining whether 'making assertions
in a *tbd *structured way' can contribute to  reliability, verifiability
and explainability ?

It was a pleasure to clarify

On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 9:07 PM Paola Di Maio <>

> Thank you Owen
> Kotseruba should be pleased with your rendition, I hope you reach out
> and send them your diagram-
> maybe get feedback
> I ll be happy to include the new image and the source in the report-
> does it mean that AI KR ID diagram without an explanation  or use case is
> not to be mentioned?
> Let me know otherwise Carl-
> I think I mentioned before, the problem is that anyone can make any
> statement
> with StratML, or any other language, and that can be useful
>  but that does not mean that the assertion is true,
> or whether it holds true under changing conditions (such as time)
> So the usefulness is limited to making assertions in a structured way
> (which is a good starting point, but the AI KR problems in certain domains
> are beyond the assertability o statements)
> AI KR are trying to address algorithmic reliability, verifiability and
> explainability
> among other things- given real word complexities
> In the meantime, we have to work with what is available, I guess
> On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 10:43 PM Owen Ambur <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Paola.  I see in the original source that Springer provides links
>> enabling expansion of the graphics so that they are easier to read, e.g., this
>> one
>> <>
>> for the graphic you are including in your report.
>> The graphic still doesn't mean much to me.  However, if textual
>> descriptions are available for the initiatives/projects whose
>> names/acronyms are listed at the bottom of the graphic, I'll be happy to
>> render them in StratML format -- for potential inclusion in a catalog of
>> AI/ML initiatives developed by the AIKR CG.
>> In the meantime, the goals and objectives embedded in the conclusion of
>> Kotseruba & Tsotsos' wall of text
>> <> are now available
>> in StratML format at
>> With reference to their Goal 8: Reproducibility
>> <>
>> - Provide full technical detail to support reproducibility of research - it
>> would be good if such detail were provided in an open, standard,
>> machine-readable format, like StratML.
>> Doing so would support their Goal 7: Evaluation
>> <>
>> - Develop objective and extensive evaluation procedures.
>> Conversely, failing to do so is a form of artificial ignorance
>> <>.
>> Kranthi, I'd love to see what ThoughtFlow might be able to do with my
>> StratML rendition of Kotseruba & Tsotsos' plan... and perhaps eventually a
>> catalog of AI/ML initiatives applying their goals and objectives as a
>> taxonomy of such efforts.
>> BTW, w/re their Objective 4.1: Emotions & Intentions
>> <>
>> - Detect the emotional states and intentions of interlocutors - we human
>> beings could help machines help us if we made both our intentions
>> (goals/objectives) and our values (undergirding our emotions) explicit in a
>> format they can "read".
>> Owen
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Publishing the report
>> Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 08:59:58 +0800
>> From: Paola Di Maio <> <>
>> To: Owen Ambur <> <>
>> CC: Kranthi Kiran <> <>
>> Thank you Owen
>> You need to read the paper to understand the image
>> I realized I mis-spelled the author's name
>> On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 3:50 AM Owen Ambur <>
>> wrote:
>>> Paola, here are some of the issues I have with the visualization copied
>>> below:
>>>    1. I don't know what any of the terms mean, particularly those at
>>>    the bottom of the hierarchy.
>>>    2. It is somewhat uncomfortable having to tilt my head to read them
>>>    and they are pretty densely packed together.
>>>    3. Since it is in image format, the URL to the source is
>>>    un-clickable.
>>> As I said, the image reminds me of what I've seen of Kranthi's
>>> ThoughtFlow application.  My thought is that perhaps he might be able to
>>> improve upon its usability and utility.  However, I don't know how much
>>> value that would provide either to those who may already understand the
>>> diagram or those of us who do not.
>>> Owen
>>> On 5/15/2022 8:21 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>>> Thank you
>>> we can also add a mention in the report to Chris'app since he
>>> participated in meetings and made available his app
>>> Here is the diagram Carl Provided
>>> I ll add the URL so that the original size is accessible
>>> i we include it in the report, it should be described and ideally, have
>>> a short test case/use case/example
>>> to demonstrate itse use and benefits - I do not remember the modelling
>>> being shared nor discussed
>>> but I did not attend the meetings-
>>> regarding the AI KR vs COGSCI diagram, is just pointing to a relation
>>> between the two knowledge domains
>>> I you do not understand it, it means I have to provide a better
>>> description/explanation
>>> in the report
>>> anything else not clear in the report please feel free to  highlight
>>> thanks-
>>> On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 12:31 AM Owen Ambur <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Paola, I defer to Carl to answer your question.  The text of his
>>>> diagram is difficult to read.  I see that it references StratML but it does
>>>> not accurately reflect the logic of the schema, in which:
>>>> a) Objectives are children of Goals, and
>>>> b) Performance Indicators are children of Objectives.  Nor do I have a
>>>> StratML rendition of Carl's plan at
>>>> Presumably, if he were to use my XForm (or Chris' StratNavApp) to flesh
>>>> out his plan, he'd have better understanding of the structure and semantics
>>>> of the StratML schema.
>>>> On the other hand, if and hopefully when Carl provides a description of
>>>> his plan in free flowing text, I'll be happy to render it in StratML
>>>> format.  Ideally, it would add value to the intelligence already built into
>>>> the StratML schema.  The opportunity to do so is unlimited.
>>>> In the meantime, I left Kranthi on the cc list because your
>>>> visualization of the "convergence between AI/KR and COGAI" (which doesn't
>>>> mean much to me) reminds me of the output of his ThoughtFlow application.
>>>> Perhaps he might be able to make it more comprehensible to folks like me.
>>>> Owen
>>>> On 5/15/2022 3:21 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>>>> Thank you Owen
>>>> I just added the AI KR ID ontology diagram shared by Carl via the list
>>>> , waiting or a description and use case to be added to the drat
>>>>  is the AI KR ID ontology diagram based on stratml?
>>>> good news about the performance, and editable record? could be a rather
>>>> good feature
>>>> On Sat, May 14, 2022 at 11:10 PM Owen Ambur <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Looks good to me, Paola.  Thanks a bunch.
>>>>> When it's published, I may wish to reference it in my Wikipedia
>>>>> article <> on
>>>>> StratML and/or a posting on LinkedIn.
>>>>> I'll also be on the lookout for opportunities to render a plan(s) in
>>>>> StratML format to help me and other less AI/ML expert folks to comprehend
>>>>> what System Level Knowledge Representation and Neuro Symbolic Integration
>>>>> might be able to do for us.
>>>>> If AIKR CG's plan is updated, that might be a good place to start
>>>>> creating such documentation.  An edit link is available at
>>>>>  Please note, however,
>>>>> that the user must save the file locally.  I have no desire to maintain
>>>>> UIDs & passwords.  I also want to encourage users to host their own plans
>>>>> and reports on their own websites -- for aggregation, indexing, and other
>>>>> value-adds by intermediary service providers.
>>>>> BTW, legislation has been introduced
>>>>> <>
>>>>> in the U.S. Senate that would require agencies to publish quarterly
>>>>> performance reports on the site.  When such reports are
>>>>> published in an open, standard, machine-readable format, it should be
>>>>> pretty easy for AI agents to "learn" and help human beings understand the
>>>>> requirements (value chains) required to achieve their objectives.  What
>>>>> else might knowledge be about?
>>>>> Owen
>>>>> On 5/14/2022 1:53 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>>>>> Owen
>>>>> thank or your suggestions, I have incorporated them in the report
>>>>> which I plan to make live soon
>>>>> take a look again please
>>>>> apologies it took me so long
>>>>> Carl and Richard, let me know i you spot something obviously wrong
>>>>> PDM

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2022 14:31:01 UTC