Re: Members input for first ÁI KR CG report

I am also interested in that report. I hope it will help me get started
with AI-KR and contribute.

Le mer. 16 juin 2021 à 06:44, Paola Di Maio <> a
écrit :

> I am about to publish a report for this CG (at last!!)
> It summarises topics discussions and publications in relation AI KR by
> members of the CG, I have half a dozen or so published talks and paper in
> the last two three years but have not seen much else from members
> Please send me an email if you d like to include in a report anything that
> you have done or that you
> are working on on (related to AI KR), should be something that other CG
> members can build on/contribute to
> <> Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_-4993709093641165673_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Amirouche ~

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2021 18:56:18 UTC