Re: Members input for first ÁI KR CG report

That's the idea
I have been collecting pointers to the state of the art in the last few
years, and made a few of my own contributions
which I have shared here on the list, I have now formed a picture and I can
see areas of useful work to be done,
In a large and complex area as AI KR  to form a picture is non trivial
The report at this stage can only be an analysis of the pointers collected
so far to AI KR issues
It would be good if other members could share their pointers and
contributions to the state of the art, if any
for inclusion
If not, maybe next round


On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 2:54 AM Amirouche Boubekki <> wrote:

> I am also interested in that report. I hope it will help me get started
> with AI-KR and contribute.
> Le mer. 16 juin 2021 à 06:44, Paola Di Maio <> a
> écrit :
>> I am about to publish a report for this CG (at last!!)
>> It summarises topics discussions and publications in relation AI KR by
>> members of the CG, I have half a dozen or so published talks and paper in
>> the last two three years but have not seen much else from members
>> Please send me an email if you d like to include in a report anything
>> that you have done or that you
>> are working on on (related to AI KR), should be something that other CG
>> members can build on/contribute to
>> PDM
>> <> Virus-free.
>> <>
>> <#m_2624856047430730993_m_-4993709093641165673_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> --
> Amirouche ~

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2021 21:35:12 UTC