Re: Carl. KR and the blockchain

Carl, I look forward to learning if your three bullet points have 
sufficient support for inclusion in the AIKR CG's performance plan.

Regarding your second bullet, rather that merely providing reference 
material, it would be good to render the "framework" as a model 
performance plan in StratML Part 2 format, including the performance 
indicators warranting certification.


On 2/12/2020 11:24 AM, carl mattocks wrote:
> As background, my interest in blockchain is based on the 'audit 
> ability and trustworthiness' insights I gained as a member of OASIS 
> Technical Committee that produced the ebXML Registry Information Model 
> OASIS Standard 
> <> (ISO 15000-3) 
> and the ebXML Registry Services Specification OASIS Standard 
> <> (ISO 15000-4) 
> that define interoperable registries and repositories, with an 
> interface that enables submission, query and retrieval of contents 
> Other topics we touched upon that are candidates for future 
> discussions include:
> Can the AIKR work evolve towards authoring a Body of Work that has 
> broad relevance. As in:
>   * Take a path similar to how an excellent method for IT analysis and
>     design (SSADM) morphed into ITIL then ITSM - shepherded by Pete
>     Skinner (of UK Government’s Central Computer and
>     Telecommunications Agency) who had the idea of building an
>     equivalent approach to improve the operations of IT services.
>   * Provide reference material that is used to certify the capability
>     of an AIKR based service.  Perhaps emulate the TickITplus offering
>     of a framework of international standards and quality
>     certification that has a Capability Dimension based on ISO/IEC
>     15504: an IT Process Assessment standard
>   * Curate a list of reference materials that contribute-to
>     understanding of AIKR in practice. Much like IDESG Wiki which came
>     out of their focus on guiding the development of trust
>     frameworks ://
>     <>
> cheers
> Carl Mattocks
> co-Chair AIKR CG
> It was a pleasure to clarify
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 2:36 AM Paola Di Maio < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Today Carl, the new co-chair and I had a skype call, rather long
>     and talking about a lot of the corollary that has generated our
>     interest in this group, Quick notes here (Carl may edit them as well)
>     Half of the call was devoted to talk about the blockchain (and
>     similar initiatives including cryptocurrency and other alternative
>     currencies and other things that can be both opportunities and
>     threats depending how they are implemented). and glad to learn
>     that Carl understands may concerns/reservations in fact is working
>     on them (mainly concerning the auditability and trasntworthiness
>     of the BC) and is looking into it
>     I hope he will brief us about his findings
>     Governments and top management of large institutions may not have
>     the expertise to made decisions. so they rely on the expertise of
>     the consulting firms they hire, such as KPMG
>     Having worked  with leading analysts, I can say that they too, 
>     cannot answer simple but fundamental questions  about the
>     blockchain, they glide over key issues and have no commitment nor
>     obligation to tell the truth. so their role is to add a layer of
>     respectability to what nobody really understands (how the bc is
>     done in practice)
>     We agreed in principle to see if AI KR can help to bring clarity
>     to the blockchain through a series of actions that Carl will lead.
>     and hopefully make a contribution towards devising an instrument
>     that can help users evaluate when the blockchain does what it says
>     it does. and when it can be used to contribute to deceit and
>     systemic fragility that could lead to the next large scale, domino
>     effect world crisis that could impact not only the financial
>     world, but politics media and etc.  Because the blockchain is so
>     pervasive and nobody so far as we can tell has the visibilty of
>     the whole transaction lifecycles and various risks can be hidden
>     PDM

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 17:27:42 UTC