- From: <owen.ambur@verizon.net>
- Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 16:27:34 -0400
- To: paoladimaio10@googlemail.com
- Cc: carlmattocks@gmail.com, metadataportals@yahoo.com, public-aikr@w3.org
- Message-Id: <164be86ad22-c92-10db8@webjas-vae154.srv.aolmail.net>
Paola, I manually entered into your form the names and definitions of the elements of the StratML core. They appear in your spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUH2yqShUgfv317NI4jEosfHFryxcM9sy8bBgnLqzO0/edit#gid=850331107 I'm not sure why Google may not have indexed all of the files in the StratML collection but I don't think their algorithms take advantage of the semantics and structure of XSDs or the value of valid XML instance documents. MarkLogic had a StratML query prototype that did a pretty good job in that regard but they abandoned it when the developer left the company: http://stratml.us/#MarkLogic Owen -----Original Message----- From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> To: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> Cc: carl mattocks <carlmattocks@gmail.com>; Paola Di Maio <paoladimaio10@googlemail.com>; ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com>; public-aikr <public-aikr@w3.org>; Andre Cusson <akhu01@gmail.com>; Jason Lind <jasonl@transformation.run>; Chris Fox <chris@chriscfox.com>; Alejandro Revuelta <alejandro.revuelta@ximdex.com>; Denise Bedford <db233@georgetown.edu> Sent: Sat, Jul 21, 2018 1:20 am Subject: Re: AI Concepts & StratML Thank you Owen and all- There could be a lot to munch just in this I was already planning to use Paola’s vocabulary form to capture the names and definitions of the elements of the StratML standard itself. like, manually?or using what tool? However, if someone can automate the process of gleaning relevant concepts from the StratML collection itself, which now includes more than 4,000 files, that would be great. There may be things out there which could do this. 1. should we ask Adrian Walker to hack this with executable english? 2 Could this tool be useful? http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ 3. may there be other tools out there to point to stratml homepage with a few selection commands and click 'extract' In the meantime, this Google site-specific query reveals about 200 StratML files referencing “AI”. interesting scroll This one reveals 7 referencing “KM”. However, that listing is incomplete because there are more than that listed at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#AIIMKM why do you think the list is incomplete? something missing from the markup? I’m copying Andre Cusson since he has already give much thought to the relevance of the StratML standard in the domain of KM. Links to the indices he created several years ago are provided at http://stratml.us/#Cusson See, for example, http://stratml.hyperbase.com/values.html Nice to meet you Andre BTW, most, if not necessarily all of the elements of the StratML vocabulary (plus some elements not yet included in the standard) are documented in SKOS format at http://stratml.us/draft/StratMLGlossary.xml However, the SKOS reference is informative only. The schemas themselves are authoritative and they are documented at http://stratml.us/#Part1 & http://stratml.us/#Part2 good to know, SKOS is somehow to be regarded PDM From: carl mattocks <carlmattocks@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 9:27 AM To: Paola Di Maio <paoladimaio10@googlemail.com> Cc: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>; ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com>; public-aikr@w3.org Subject: Re: IDESG, AIKRCG & Identity Excellent suggestion ... having a Stratml extract based ranking plus co-location (semantic distance) should provide an excellent startpoint for further discussion It was a pleasure to clarify On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 9:14 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Also should be easy to extract a set of AI related keywords from your stratml set? we can then make a long list and 'rank them' collectively and include the top ones in our vocab. wouldnt this make a nice project and one possible paper? cheers P Dr Paola Di Maio Center For Technology Ethics ISTCS.org and Chair: W3C AIKR A bit about me On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 4:31 PM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Owen I browsed stratml web page and there seem to be a lot of initiatives relevant to CG mission I wonder if one (not me tho) could build a parsing agent to match our cg GOAL and mission to other entities and then invite the folks in charge or relevant bits to submit their open knowledge schemas and/or documentation to this cg if building the agent is too expensive, we could do this manually? just thinking PDM Dr Paola Di Maio Center For Technology Ethics ISTCS.org and Chair: W3C AIKR A bit about me On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 8:33 PM, Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> wrote: IDESG’s mission and objectives are available in StratML format at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#IDESG and so too are the goals and objectives of this group as identified thus far, at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#AIKRCG I look forward to learning how they might mesh and mutually support each other. BTW, as far as personal and organizational identities are concerned, what I care most about are personal values supported by longer-term goals and near-term objectives realized in performance metrics documented in records having the attributes outlined in ISO 15489. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine-Readable_Documents#Definition Owen From: carl mattocks <carlmattocks@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:26 AM To: Paola Di Maio <paoladimaio10@googlemail.com> Cc: ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com>; public-aikr@w3.org Subject: Re: welcome newcomers subgroups, home page and categories To help progress .. please consider using a page with content similar to 'concept creation' guidelines · o 1.1 What sort of 'thing' is this proposed concept anyway? o 1.2 How to decide? Is it important? o 1.3 Understanding context o 1.4 The "Conversation" is valuable · 2 Using a Meta-Model (or two) · 3 Create a new proposed Concept https://wiki.idesg.kantarainitiative.org/wiki/index.php/Concept_Creation_Guidelines Carl Mattocks It was a pleasure to clarify On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 1:55 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Thank you Milton Do you have a way you'd like to propose the way forward? Shall we just create two pages, where we collect existing definitions and come up with our own definition that possibly encompasses them all, thus delivers the broadest possible meaning? Should the group be the 'owner' of these two definitions? Let me know if you can initiate these two pages P Dr Paola Di Maio Center For Technology Ethics ISTCS.org Chair: W3C AIKR A bit about me On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 3:21 AM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals@yahoo.com> wrote: Hi Paola and other members of the AIKR community group. Two things we need to establish to reach a consensus of the area we are going to deal with. Number one: the broadest possible definition of what constitutes "artificial intelligence" and number two what constitutes "knowledge representation" also in the broadest possible sense. Only then can we assess what grounds we want or need to cover. It is for that reason I proposed to create and overview map of what currently constitutes AI and related disciplines. But I am also writing a definition paper using category theory to establish a generalized framework which introduces all possible categories of interacting entities, and utilizes a system to define boundaries for AI for interaction, as suggested by the likes of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Kurzweil and countless others. regards Milton Ponson GSM: +297 747 8280 PO Box 1154, Oranjestad Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development On Sunday, July 15, 2018 2:41 AM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: Welcome newcomers (22 members!) there's a thread in the mailing list to intro yourselves at your convenience Based on other work, and anticipating future developments (Milton mentioned subgroups) I have created a page subgroups, and opened two additional pages as containers for future subgroups where some work may be needed (AI Ethics KR and Professional schemas). Feel free to edit, add, enter etc https://www.w3.org/community/aikr/subgroups/ This is a bit ahead of us perhaps but things are moving fast to have the pages may be cognitive support. The professional schema entry may need better wording, I have not thought it property yet. I have two issues with our home page, maybe W3C folks on this list can assist? Here https://www.w3.org/community/aikr/ 1. The main text area of the page contains some duplicate text, I dont seem to be able to edit/access the upper portion of the group description, I have pinged Veronica Thom about this but have not yet had any reply. Maybe this was created by staff and I cannot edit? can someone assist 2. On the right hand sidebar, where it says 'categories' the categories which I created are not listed, can someone help? Thank you!! PDM Dr Paola Di Maio Center For Technology Ethics ISTCS.org Chair: W3C AIKR A bit about me
Received on Saturday, 21 July 2018 20:28:00 UTC