Re: IDESG, AIKRCG & Identity

Excellent suggestion ... having a Stratml extract based ranking plus
co-location (semantic distance) should provide an excellent startpoint for
further discussion

It was a pleasure to clarify

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 9:14 AM, Paola Di Maio <>

> Also should be easy to extract a set of AI related keywords from your
> stratml set?
>  we can then make a long list and 'rank them' collectively
> and include the top ones in our vocab.
> wouldnt this make a nice project and one possible paper?
> cheers
> P
> Dr Paola Di Maio
> Center For Technology Ethics
> and  Chair: W3C AIKR  <>
> *A bit about me <>*
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 4:31 PM, Paola Di Maio <>
> wrote:
>> Owen
>> I browsed stratml web page and there seem to be a lot of initiatives
>> relevant to CG mission
>> I wonder if one (not me tho) could build a parsing agent to match our cg
>> GOAL and mission to other entities
>> and then invite the folks in charge or relevant bits to submit their open
>> knowledge schemas and/or documentation
>> to this cg
>> if building the agent is too expensive, we could do this manually?
>> just thinking
>> PDM
>> Dr Paola Di Maio
>> Center For Technology Ethics
>> and  Chair: W3C AIKR  <>
>> *A bit about me <>*
>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 8:33 PM, Owen Ambur <>
>> wrote:
>>> IDESG’s mission and objectives are available in StratML format at
>>> and so too are the goals
>>> and objectives of this group as identified thus far, at
>>>   I look forward to
>>> learning how they might mesh and mutually support each other.
>>> BTW, as far as personal and organizational identities are concerned,
>>> what I care most about are personal values supported by longer-term goals
>>> and near-term objectives realized in performance metrics documented in
>>> records having the attributes outlined in ISO 15489.
>>> Owen
>>> *From:* carl mattocks <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:26 AM
>>> *To:* Paola Di Maio <>
>>> *Cc:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <>;
>>> *Subject:* Re: welcome newcomers subgroups, home page and categories
>>> To help progress .. please consider using a page with content similar to
>>> 'concept creation' guidelines
>>> ·
>>> o    1.1 What sort of 'thing' is this proposed concept anyway?
>>> <>
>>> o    1.2 How to decide? Is it important?
>>> <>
>>> o    1.3 Understanding context
>>> <>
>>> o    1.4 The "Conversation" is valuable
>>> <>
>>> ·         2 Using a Meta-Model (or two)
>>> <>
>>> ·         3 Create a new proposed Concept
>>> <>
>>> ept_Creation_Guidelines
>>> Carl Mattocks
>>> It was a pleasure to clarify
>>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 1:55 AM, Paola Di Maio <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thank you Milton
>>> Do you have a way you'd like to propose the way forward?
>>> Shall we just create two pages, where we collect existing definitions
>>> and come up with our own
>>> definition that possibly encompasses them all, thus delivers the
>>> broadest possible meaning?
>>> Should the group be the 'owner' of these two definitions?
>>> Let me know if you can initiate these two pages
>>> P
>>> Dr Paola Di Maio
>>> Center For Technology Ethics
>>> Chair: W3C AIKR  <>
>>> *A bit about me <>*
>>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 3:21 AM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Paola and other members of the AIKR community group.
>>> Two things we need to establish to reach a consensus of the area we are
>>> going to deal with.
>>> Number one: the broadest possible definition of what constitutes
>>> "artificial intelligence" and number two what constitutes "knowledge
>>> representation" also in the broadest possible sense.
>>> Only then can we assess what grounds we want or need to cover.
>>> It is for that reason I proposed to create and overview map of what
>>> currently constitutes AI and related disciplines.
>>> But I am also writing a definition paper using category theory to
>>> establish a generalized framework which introduces all possible categories
>>> of interacting entities, and utilizes a system to define boundaries for AI
>>> for interaction, as suggested by the likes of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk,
>>> Kurzweil and countless others.
>>> regards
>>> Milton Ponson
>>> GSM: +297 747 8280
>>> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
>>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>>> *Project Paradigm*: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development
>>> to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied
>>> mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development
>>> On Sunday, July 15, 2018 2:41 AM, Paola Di Maio <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Welcome newcomers (22 members!)
>>> there's a thread in the mailing list to intro yourselves at your
>>> convenience
>>> Based on other work, and anticipating future developments
>>> (Milton mentioned subgroups) I have created a page subgroups, and opened
>>> two additional pages as containers for future subgroups where some work may
>>> be needed (AI Ethics KR and Professional schemas).
>>> Feel free to edit, add, enter etc
>>> This is a bit ahead of us perhaps but things are moving fast to have the
>>> pages may be cognitive support. The professional schema entry may need
>>> better wording, I have not thought it property yet.
>>> I have two issues with our home page, maybe W3C folks on this list can
>>> assist?
>>> Here
>>> 1. The main text area of the page contains some duplicate text, I dont
>>> seem to be able to edit/access the upper portion of the group description,
>>> I have pinged Veronica Thom about this but have not yet had any reply.
>>> Maybe this was created by staff and I cannot edit? can someone assist
>>> 2. On the right hand sidebar, where it says 'categories'
>>> the categories which I created are not listed, can someone help?
>>> Thank you!!
>>> PDM
>>> Dr Paola Di Maio
>>> Center For Technology Ethics
>>> Chair: W3C AIKR  <>
>>> *A bit about me <>*
>>> [image: Image removed by sender.]

Received on Friday, 20 July 2018 13:27:46 UTC