Adapt Task Force Next Meeting, January 9th

Hi All,

First of all, we thank Sharon Snider for long service as co-facilitator of
Adapt, formerly Personalization. Sharon, you run a great meeting and
contributed so much! We will miss your patient, kind and always insightful
contributions. You are always invited back!

We are having a short Winter Break: no meeting next week 26 December, or
the week after, 2nd January. We will continue with the same division, half
the meeting on Symbols and half on Well Known URI.

So please save 9th January for the following agenda:

Chair:  Lionel

   - agenda+ Welcome to 2024! Administratrivia.
   - agenda+ Symbols. Issue 240 sub-group (Lionel)
   - agenda+ Symbols. Continue the concept definition discussion
   - agenda+ Well Known URL. Status of Github discussion

*The  teleconference information is at:* *call info - **adapt*


o 10:00 a.m. Eastern

o 05:00 p.m. IS

o 03:00 p.m. UK

*IRC access:*

o An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call
at: <>adapt

o The server is

o The port number is 6665

o The channel is #adapt.

o You can write any name as a nickname

*Resources and useful links:*

o   Wiki <> - this page has links to all
our work

o   Mailing list archives

o   Web-Based Surveys (WBS)

o   Adapt source repository issue tracker

[image: Lionel Wolberger]

Lionel Wolberger
COO, UserWay Inc.
[image: Phone Icon] +1 (415) 800-4557 <+14158004557>
[image: Envelope Icon] <>

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2023 16:25:18 UTC