Re: Review: WAI-Adapt draft announcement

Dear Sharon, All:

Thanks for moving the messaging forward. I've made some edits in the
wiki for our review:



Sharon D Snider writes:
> Hi all,
> The WAI-Adapt CR draft announcement has been updated to the new template and added to the WAI announcement draft wiki<>.
> The following information is also needed to complete the draft:
>   1.  The Email section should have a link to the Blog (dependent on addition of the blog)
>   2.  Under the Updates section we need a couple of sentences or bullets about what has changed since the last review.
>   3.  What label should users include when they add comments in GitHub?
>   4.  What hash tags should we use for the Share section?
>   5.  What should the date be for return comments 00 Month 2020.
> Let me know what updates are needed and I’ll try to make the changes before our next weekly call.
> Regards,
> Sharon Snider
> IBM Design ► IBM Accessibility Team
> (512)965-3957
><> and<>


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Saturday, 25 June 2022 17:22:17 UTC