- From: Jean-Yves Moyen <JYM@siteimprove.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 07:33:04 +0000
- To: ACT Rules CG <public-act-r@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <MW3PR20MB333876E9569B509B67BC2D67BAA19@MW3PR20MB3338.namprd20.prod.outlook.com>
Hello ACT rules, As decided during the last CG call, we’re trying to map rule "`role` attribute has valid value" to 1.3.1, under the assumption that elements with a role attribute have some sort of presentation conveying the intended role. This is Final Call for this change. https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1537 Final Call ends on January 28th. Jean-Yves Moyen Senior Software Engineer [Siteimprove]<https://siteimprove.com/> [email] jym@siteimprove.com<mailto:jym@siteimprove.com> [address] Sankt Annæ Plads 28, DK-1250 København K [Siteimprove on Facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/Siteimprove> [Siteimprove on Twitter]<https://twitter.com/Siteimprove> [Siteimprove on LinkedIn]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/siteimprove>
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Received on Thursday, 21 January 2021 07:49:23 UTC