- From: Greg Gay <greggay@rogers.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 15:01:28 -0400
- To: "<public-accesslearn@w3.org>" <public-accesslearn@w3.org>
Hi All, I've been lurking in the background, and picking up bits and pieces from AccessLearn when I can find time. So, please excuse me if this has already been discussed. One thing I've been researching recently is accessibility in digital games, and serious games in particular with regard to learning online. We use a variety of games in the courses we offer at Ryerson University. One I demo'd at W4A this year (Lake Devo, http://lakedevo.ryerson.ca). It seems to me serious games should be part of the considerations for this group, given such games are becoming more and more common as learning tools. Though there are some game accessibility requirements that map to WCAG, there are others that do not, like ability to adjust control sensitivity, offer a wide choice of difficulty levels, or allow control remapping etc. The best resource I've found on game accessibility is at: http://gameaccessibilityguidelines.com/ Perhaps this is something AccessLearn can include as a potential resource, or perhaps W3C/WAI could look into this a a litle deeper, and perhaps extend WCAG with some game specific guidelines. greg
Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 19:01:58 UTC