AccessLearn survey and work streams update

Hi all

Thank you to everyone who completed the latest AccessLearn survey. We had 25 responses.

Here’s a summary of the results and planned next steps.

All survey respondents agreed with the two work stream proposal. So we can consider that approved.

# Work stream 1: Gap Analysis of current WAI resources

* Sarah Horton (co-chair of AccessLearn) will co-ordinate initial efforts.
* 13 people indicated they would like to participate.
* Sarah will be in touch with each of you to arrange next steps and a work plan.
* We made a start on cataloguing WAI resources on the wiki, which might be a useful kickoff for this work stream, see:

# Work stream 2: Documenting what the online learning community needs

* I’ll co-ordinate initial efforts
* 13 people indicated they would like to participate.
* I’ll be in touch with each of you to arrange next steps and a work plan
* As part of this work stream, we’ll also revisit the survey we ran last year to get a sense of key information needs

3 people who took part in the survey didn’t leave contact details. That’s okay, but you’ll have to monitor the group email list for information on how to participate in your preferred work stream.

If anyone reading this didn’t take part in the survey and would like to participate in either or both work streams, please get in touch with Sarah or me.

Looking forward to making progress with the work streams!

Best wishes

David Sloan

UX Research Lead
The Paciello Group

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Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 15:36:45 UTC