Re: (2) Draft (updated) Agenda for Teleconference 16 October 2002

Hello Amy,

At 14:07 02/10/11 -0400, Amy van der Hiel wrote:

>Draft agenda (updated):
>1. Introduction
>2. Comments on review of ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee "Final" 
>Implementation Report
>3. TAC liaisons -- proposed by Azucena Hernandez

Can I suggest that this agenda item:
- Be moved after the PSO agenda items (i.e. currently after 5)
- Be changed to read 'TAC transition issues', or, if that
   meets with opposition, be proceeded with an agenda item
   reading 'General TAC transition issues'.

>(related messages:
>4. Draft of Status Report to ICANN Board
>5. Location/date next PSO GA -- proposed by Martin D$B—S(Bst
>6. Miscellaneous
>7. Closing

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Friday, 11 October 2002 21:58:13 UTC