Draft -- PSO Status Report on PSO Protocol Activities

Dear Protocol Council Members

Below please find a draft of a Status Report  on PSO Protocol Council 
Activities to ICANN, as I was tasked to do in our last teleconference.

I based this on the two past reports:
http://www.pso.icann.org/Pso_report.html and 
as well as the statements of the PSO and the minutes of teleconferences 
from that period. 

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.  Review of this report is 
included in the agenda for our next teleconference.

Best regards,
Status report on Protocol Supporting Organization Protocol Council (PSO-PC) 
Activities, June 2002-October 2002

1. Protocol Supporting Organization, Purpose and Scope
2. Members of the PSO-PC
3. Duties of PSO-PC
4. PSO Significant Dates
5. Directors

1. Protocol Supporting Organization, Purpose and Scope:

The PSO is a consensus based advisory body within the ICANN framework;
Day-to-day activities of the PSO are conducted through the Protocol Council;
Principles of forming and operating the PSO are defined in the Memorandum 
of Understanding (MoU), signed on 14 July 1999

2. Members of the PSO-PC:

ETSI: Mrs. Azucena Hernandez and Mr. Tapio Kaijanen
IETF: Mr. Mike St. Johns and Mr. Geoff Huston
ITU-T: Mr. Brian Moore and Mr. Richard Hill
W3C: Mr. Martin Dürst and Mr. Daniel Weitzner

The PSO website is located at: http://www.pso.icann.org/

3. Duties of PSO-PC:

Advise ICANN Board on referred matters relating to assignment of parameters 
for Internet Protocol; Development of Policies and Procedures for 
conflict  resolution as requested by the Signatories Standards Development 
Organizations (SDOs); Development of substantive policies in the area  of 
protocol parameters assignment; Appointment of  Directors of ICANN Board in 
accordance with the By-Laws of ICANN; Provision of open  information on 
official communications between ICANN and the PSO;  PC proceedings and 
meeting announcements; Holding of an open  General Assembly

4. PSO Significant Dates:

June 2002

19 June  2002, the PSO General Assembly was held in Geneva, Switzerland.
ITU-T Representative, Houlin Zhao, gave an overview of the ITU-T activities 
since July 2001.
ETSI Representatives Azucena Hernandez & Livia Rosu gave an overview of 
ETSI activities since July 2001.
W3C Representative, Daniel Dardallier gave an overview of W3C activities 
since July 2001.
PSO Secretary, Vladimir Androuchko, gave the Status Report on the PSO 
activities for the  2001-02 period.

  24-28 June 2002,  ICANN Meeting in Bucharest
Azucena Hernandez of ETSI, presented the PSO Status Report; a complete 
overview of the PSO-PC's decisions and actions for the November 2001 ­ 
June  2002 period. 

June 20, 2002 - statement released:
ISO Clarifications to the open question attached to ISO's application for 
membership for PSO Protocol Council

July 2002:

July 24, 2002
21st audio conference achieved:
- Azucena Hernandez  updated the PC on the ICANN meeting in Bucharest
- The PC discussed the ISO application for SDO membership in the PSO.
Since consensus of all members in acceptance of an application is required, 
but was not, in this case, achieved, the ISO could not be admitted to the 
PSO-PC. The PC noted, under the rules of the MOU, the ISO could appeal  the 
decision with the ICANN Board.
- Since no candidates for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors were 
received by the original deadline of 15 July 2002, the deadline for 
nominations was extended to 15 August 2002.

July 24, 2002  - statement released:
Reply  to ISO application for SDO membership of the PSO

September 2002:

3 September 2002
22nd audio conference achieved:
- Martin Dürst of the W3C announced the transfer of PSO mailing lists and 
web sites from the ITU to the W3C.
- The PC discussed  the ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee Second Interim 
Report and in particular,  the role of the IAB in the IETF and the 
nomination of technical experts.  PC members agreed later, via email, that 
each organization would convey its own response to the ICANN E &R Committee 
on this topic.
- The PC reviewed the two nominees for the ICANN board: Francisco da Silva 
and Paul Hoffman.  The vote was carried with 4 votes for  Francisco da 
Silva (Azucena Hernandez and Tapio Kaijanen of ETSI and Brian Moore and 
Richard Hill (in absentia) of ITU-T ) and three abstentions (Geoff Huston 
and Mike St. Johns of IETF and Martin Dürst of W3C).

9 September 2002
Announcement of the PSO-PC's nomination of Mr. Francisco da Silva to ICANN

Under the ICANN bylaws as currently in effect, Mr. da Silva's  term will 
begin at the conclusion of ICANN's next annual meeting.

5. The Directors selected to the ICANN Board by the Protocol Supporting 
Organization are:

Mr. Helmut Schink
Mr. Vinton G. Cerf
Mr. Francisco da Silva (nominated)

Received on Friday, 11 October 2002 13:56:26 UTC