Re: draft-toomim-httpbis-versions HTTP mapping (and WebDAV Versioning)

On 02.11.2024 00:17, Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:
> On 2 Nov 2024, at 00:05, Julian Reschke <> wrote:
>> Ok. I believe you really can't avoid the question: if the version has a
>> different URI then the version-controlled resource, is it a resource on
>> its own? And the answer is: of course.
> Indeed. However, a versioned resource having its own URI does not mean it needs to support the same kinds of interactions as the canonical URI. That would imho be an implementation detail left up to the implementer to decide, depending on desired cache behaviour, etc.


Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 2 November 2024 07:56:28 UTC