Re: draft-toomim-httpbis-versions HTTP mapping (and WebDAV Versioning)

Julian in response to the following (bolding is mine):

On 11/1/24 4:05 PM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> It could be used to discover a version, but *that version should also 
> (in general) have a URL*.

I disagree that every version should have its own URL in general. I 
argue that making URLs for versions is a separate concern that should be 
handled in a separate spec.

> if the version has a different URI then the version-controlled 
> resource, is it a resource on its own?

In my world, it does not have a different URI than the versioned 
resource. Are you ok with separating these concerns into separate 
specifications, and considering this to be a spec for versioned 
resources where only the resource itself has a URI? Additional URIs can 
be added separately.

I also suggest using the term "versioned" rather than 
"version-controlled", because the spec also supports distributed 
systems, which allow peers to create versions without central control. 
(Control is done with validation, which is also a separate concern from 
versioning.) The term "version control" arose in centralized versioning 
systems that used "controls" like checkins, checkouts, and locks to 
prevent conflicts. We are just doing versioning here.

Received on Saturday, 2 November 2024 02:09:27 UTC