Re: 103 Early Hints

> On Sep 26, 2024, at 8:06 AM, Julian Reschke <> wrote:
> On 26.09.2024 01:40, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> ...
>> Are we sure that this isn't just theoretical? I have never seen a chain
>> that claimed to be
>> HTTP/1.1 and yet broke parsing arbitrary 1xx responses. I've seen one
>> that places a limit
>> on the number of 1xx responses, but that is being fixed. I've seen far
>> more implementations
>> that don't implement HEAD correctly.
>> Most recipients should ignore them. The problem cases I do see
>> frequently are along the
>> lines of "my server-to-app (or app-to-client) API hasn't provided any
>> hooks for
>> receiving 1xx response events, so they are invisible to me." That's a
>> real problem, but
>> I don't think it is our problem to solve.
>> ...
> fails up to Java 20:

Honestly, if we made any decisions according to how JDK implemented url or http,
we would have turned off the Internet in 1996. That's why all those ASF projects exist
to do exactly the same thing correctly. Real projects use maintained code.


Received on Thursday, 26 September 2024 16:22:00 UTC