Re: 103 Early Hints

On 26.09.2024 01:40, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> ...
> Are we sure that this isn't just theoretical? I have never seen a chain
> that claimed to be
> HTTP/1.1 and yet broke parsing arbitrary 1xx responses. I've seen one
> that places a limit
> on the number of 1xx responses, but that is being fixed. I've seen far
> more implementations
> that don't implement HEAD correctly.
> Most recipients should ignore them. The problem cases I do see
> frequently are along the
> lines of "my server-to-app (or app-to-client) API hasn't provided any
> hooks for
> receiving 1xx response events, so they are invisible to me." That's a
> real problem, but
> I don't think it is our problem to solve.
> ... fails up to Java 20:

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2024 15:06:18 UTC