Re: Review of draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00

Peter, thank you for your interest! I'm excited that you are bringing up 
performance for discussion! There's a lot to say on that, and I give an 
overview below:

*== Compression & Performance ==*

First, let me correct a big misinterpretation— this work absolutely 
prioritizes *high-performance*, *realtime* data synchronization. It 
should support thousands of mutations per second. Our implementations 
are higher-performance <> than 
Automerge, for instance. I regularly work today with a doc composed of 
110,000 edits. It loads instantly, thanks to some great Version-Types 
we've designed.

The Version-Type (in the proposed Version-Type header) is the way you 
get performance increases. The key to performance is managing history 
growth. You manage that by finding a pattern in history, and then 
compressing or ignoring history. You can express those patterns as a 
Version-Type spec. (There's a robust theory behind this called Time 

I apologize that this wasn't clear in the draft -00. I thought this 
would be an advanced feature that people wouldn't comment on for a bit — 
but am pleasantly surprised to hear your interest in it! I will be 
adding more clarity to the spec on Version-Types, and already have begun 
doing so in github:

I'd also encourage you to check out this sketch of how to bake RLE into 
HTTP Header Compression:

In any case, keep in mind that at this stage, we need to know only 
whether there is /interest/ in this area of work — not whether this 
particular spec meets your needs. If we adopt this work into the HTTP 
WG, we will get a chance to change or rewrite any part of the spec. This 
spec is just a starting point to get discussion going. So think of this 
as a problem statement rather than a solution statement.

*== PUTs ==*

As for PUTs, I suspect you might be thinking about HTTP/1.0 where each 
PUT might require a new TCP connection with its own TLS handshake. But 
keep in mind that with HTTP/2 and 3, all HTTP semantics are expressed in 
binary, and a PUT is usually just a single packet! This is just as 
efficient as any hand-rolled protocol you have, and it has the advantage 
of being interoperable with all of HTTP.

*== History Retention ==

This versioning model supports Time Machines 
<>— the beauty of which is that peers 
become free to independently choose how much history to store. An 
archival peer can store the full history. A light client can store just 
the latest version (see the amazing Simpleton 
<> client, which needs zero history).

So each peer can choose how much history to store. If a peer doesn't 
have enough history to merge an edit, it can simply request that history 
from another peer. In this draft, you do so by requesting a GET with 
both Version and Parents headers specified.

*== Signatures & Validation ==

This is out of scope for this proposal on versions. However, (a) there 
are some Version-Types that double as signatures. When this happens, it 
can be specified by authoring a Version-Type spec to articulate the new 
constraint. And (b) this is a generally important area of work that I 



On 7/22/24 11:44 AM, Michael Toomim wrote:
> We've got divergent discussion threads that I'm merging together.
> First, Peter Van Hardenberg (of Ink & Switch, Local-First, and 
> Automerge) wrote this initial review of the draft. He's cc'd, and we 
> can respond in this thread.
> ------------------------
> -- Peter Van Hardenberg: --
> ------------------------
> Hi Michael,
> I had a quick look at the spec and gave some thought to whether we'd 
> want to adopt it. I think right now it has quite a lot of per-version 
> overhead, and viewing this through a local-first lens, one can imagine 
> having to publish a large number of versions each as separate PUT 
> calls. You might want to consider supporting ranges for PUT in a 
> single message.
> Overall, our goals appear to differ from what you're proposing here so 
> this feedback may not be particularly important. My sense is that the 
> expected granularity of changes for Braid is relatively large and that 
> the frequency is relatively long -- on par with a changed HTML form 
> submission, perhaps. We spend quite a lot of our time thinking about 
> optimizing updates for potentially thousands of edits and trying to 
> minimize the number of round trips required to synchronize state in 
> both directions. You mention that the design intends to be optimizable 
> but I didn't see much in the text that clarified how.
> One other observation is that this spec does not appear to prioritize 
> retention of history:
> >      - If the Parents header is absent, the server SHOULD return a
> >      single response, containing the requested version of the resource
> >      in its body, with the Version response header set to the same
> >      version.
> This design may centralize the system, as clients default to receiving 
> "flattened" versions of resources and thus may not be able to merge 
> changes from other sources.
> Last, have you considered specifying some kind of signature / 
> validation feature? If clients are applying patches iteratively, it 
> might help for them to be able to validate that they're in the 
> expected state either before or after applying a patch.
> All the best,
> -p
> On 7/15/24 6:26 PM, Michael Toomim wrote:
>> Hi everyone in HTTP!
>> Last fall we solicited feedback on the Braid State Synchronization 
>> proposal [draft 
>> <>, 
>> slides 
>> <>], 
>> which I'd summarize as:
>>     "We're enthusiastic about the general work, but the proposal is
>>     too high-level. Break the spec up into multiple independent
>>     specs, and work bottom-up. Focus on concrete 'bits-on-the-wire'."
>> So I'm breaking the spec up, and have drafted up the first chunk for 
>> you. I would very much like your review on:
>>     *Versioning of HTTP Resources*
>>     draft-toomim-httpbis-versions
>> Versioning is necessary for state synchronization—and occurs in a 
>> range of HTTP systems:
>>   * Caching
>>   * Archiving
>>   * Version Control
>>   * Collaborative Editing
>> Today, HTTP has resource versions in the Last-Modified and ETag 
>> headers, and sometimes embeds versions in URLs, like with WebDAV. 
>> Each of these options serves some needs, but also has specific 
>> limitations. An improved general approach is proposed, which provides 
>> new features, that could enable cool new applications, such as 
>> incrementally-updated RSS feeds, and could simplify existing 
>> specifications, such as resumeable uploads, and history compression 
>> in OT/CRDT algorithms.
>> I would love to know if people find this work interesting. I think we 
>> could improve performance, interoperability, and be one step closer 
>> to having Google Docs power within HTTP URLs.
>> Michael
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject:  New Version Notification for 
>> draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00.txt
>> Date:  Mon, 08 Jul 2024 11:02:11 -0700
>> From:
>> To:  Michael Toomim <>
>> A new version of Internet-Draft draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00.txt 
>> has been
>> successfully submitted by Michael Toomim and posted to the
>> IETF repository.
>> Name: draft-toomim-httpbis-versions
>> Revision: 00
>> Title: HTTP Resource Versioning
>> Date: 2024-07-08
>> Group: Individual Submission
>> Pages: 19
>> URL:
>> Status:
>> HTMLized: 
>> Abstract:
>> HTTP resources change over time. Each change to a resource creates a
>> new "version" of its state. HTTP systems often need a way to
>> identify, read, write, navigate, and/or merge these versions, in
>> order to implement cache consistency, create history archives, settle
>> race conditions, request incremental updates to resources, interpret
>> incremental updates to versions, or implement distributed
>> collaborative editing algorithms.
>> This document analyzes existing methods of versioning in HTTP,
>> highlights limitations, and sketches a more general versioning
>> approach that can enable new use-cases for HTTP.
>> The IETF Secretariat

Received on Monday, 22 July 2024 19:41:11 UTC