Review of draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00

We've got divergent discussion threads that I'm merging together.

First, Peter Van Hardenberg (of Ink & Switch, Local-First, and 
Automerge) wrote this initial review of the draft. He's cc'd, and we can 
respond in this thread.

-- Peter Van Hardenberg: --

Hi Michael,

I had a quick look at the spec and gave some thought to whether we'd 
want to adopt it. I think right now it has quite a lot of per-version 
overhead, and viewing this through a local-first lens, one can imagine 
having to publish a large number of versions each as separate PUT calls. 
You might want to consider supporting ranges for PUT in a single message.

Overall, our goals appear to differ from what you're proposing here so 
this feedback may not be particularly important. My sense is that the 
expected granularity of changes for Braid is relatively large and that 
the frequency is relatively long -- on par with a changed HTML form 
submission, perhaps. We spend quite a lot of our time thinking about 
optimizing updates for potentially thousands of edits and trying to 
minimize the number of round trips required to synchronize state in both 
directions. You mention that the design intends to be optimizable but I 
didn't see much in the text that clarified how.

One other observation is that this spec does not appear to prioritize 
retention of history:
 >      - If the Parents header is absent, the server SHOULD return a
 >      single response, containing the requested version of the resource
 >      in its body, with the Version response header set to the same
 >      version.
This design may centralize the system, as clients default to receiving 
"flattened" versions of resources and thus may not be able to merge 
changes from other sources.

Last, have you considered specifying some kind of signature / validation 
feature? If clients are applying patches iteratively, it might help for 
them to be able to validate that they're in the expected state either 
before or after applying a patch.

All the best,

On 7/15/24 6:26 PM, Michael Toomim wrote:
> Hi everyone in HTTP!
> Last fall we solicited feedback on the Braid State Synchronization 
> proposal [draft 
> <>, 
> slides 
> <>], 
> which I'd summarize as:
>     "We're enthusiastic about the general work, but the proposal is
>     too high-level. Break the spec up into multiple independent specs,
>     and work bottom-up. Focus on concrete 'bits-on-the-wire'."
> So I'm breaking the spec up, and have drafted up the first chunk for 
> you. I would very much like your review on:
>     *Versioning of HTTP Resources*
>     draft-toomim-httpbis-versions
> Versioning is necessary for state synchronization—and occurs in a 
> range of HTTP systems:
>   * Caching
>   * Archiving
>   * Version Control
>   * Collaborative Editing
> Today, HTTP has resource versions in the Last-Modified and ETag 
> headers, and sometimes embeds versions in URLs, like with WebDAV. Each 
> of these options serves some needs, but also has specific limitations. 
> An improved general approach is proposed, which provides new features, 
> that could enable cool new applications, such as incrementally-updated 
> RSS feeds, and could simplify existing specifications, such as 
> resumeable uploads, and history compression in OT/CRDT algorithms.
> I would love to know if people find this work interesting. I think we 
> could improve performance, interoperability, and be one step closer to 
> having Google Docs power within HTTP URLs.
> Michael
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:  New Version Notification for 
> draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00.txt
> Date:  Mon, 08 Jul 2024 11:02:11 -0700
> From:
> To:  Michael Toomim <>
> A new version of Internet-Draft draft-toomim-httpbis-versions-00.txt 
> has been
> successfully submitted by Michael Toomim and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name: draft-toomim-httpbis-versions
> Revision: 00
> Title: HTTP Resource Versioning
> Date: 2024-07-08
> Group: Individual Submission
> Pages: 19
> URL:
> Status:
> HTMLized: 
> Abstract:
> HTTP resources change over time. Each change to a resource creates a
> new "version" of its state. HTTP systems often need a way to
> identify, read, write, navigate, and/or merge these versions, in
> order to implement cache consistency, create history archives, settle
> race conditions, request incremental updates to resources, interpret
> incremental updates to versions, or implement distributed
> collaborative editing algorithms.
> This document analyzes existing methods of versioning in HTTP,
> highlights limitations, and sketches a more general versioning
> approach that can enable new use-cases for HTTP.
> The IETF Secretariat

Received on Monday, 22 July 2024 18:45:06 UTC