- From: Christian Huitema <huitema@huitema.net>
- Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 12:05:22 -0800
- To: 姓名 <falsandtru@gmail.com>, ietf-http-wg@w3.org
I have no opinion on the benefits or not of defining better compression than HPACK/QPACK, but I do have an opinion on the inclusion of brands in the training set, like: > -1, '"Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"' > -1, '"Google Chrome";v="117.0.5938.89", "Not;A=Brand";v="", > "Chromium";v="117.0.5938.89"' > -3, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 > (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' > 0, '1P_JAR=2023-11-22-18; expires=Fri, 22-Dec-2023 18:46:19 GMT; > path=/; domain=.google.com; Secure; SameSite=none' I assume that this kind of branded content reflects the reality of the market place, and that assigning short Huffman codes to it will indeed reduce the size of messages. But I think dedicating codes to such brands today is an error. Market shares and product names will change over time, making such optimizations ephemeral. But even if the optimizations were stable, optimizing for the existing set of brands will provide an advantage to these brands over newcomers, and thus contribute to increased concentration -- something that standards should certainly not encourage. -- Christian Huitema On 12/8/2023 8:06 AM, 姓名 wrote: > HPACK/QPACK uses only one static table of Huffman coding, but the > compression ratio can be improved by combining multiple tables. There is *no > overhead* in data size due to the combination. Theoretically, two code > tables can reduce the bit length of one code table by an average of one > bit, since the two code tables itself has one bit of information. *This > proposal especially reduces the token size increasing in recent years.* Let > me know the link to the conclusions if this approach has been considered. > The following is a comparison based on my proof of concept code. The > leftmost number is the reduced bit size. > > 'XPACK comp. ratio request', 0.2533415841584158, 1.3393005138405436 > 'HPACK comp. ratio request', 0.2471534653465347, 1.3282919612033537 > 0, 'accept' > 0, 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' > 0, 'accept-encoding' > 0, 'gzip, deflate, br' > 0, 'accept-language' > 0, 'ja,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' > 0, 'cache-control' > 0, 'max-age=0' > 0, 'dnt' > 0, '1' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua' > -1, '"Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-arch' > 0, '"x86"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-bitness' > 0, '"64"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-full-version' > 0, '"117.0.5938.89"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-full-version-list' > -1, '"Google Chrome";v="117.0.5938.89", "Not;A=Brand";v="", > "Chromium";v="117.0.5938.89"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-mobile' > 0, '?0' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-model' > 0, '""' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-platform' > 0, '"Windows"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version' > 0, '"10.0.0"' > 0, 'sec-ch-ua-wow64' > 0, '?0' > 0, 'sec-fetch-dest' > 0, 'document' > 0, 'sec-fetch-mode' > 0, 'navigate' > 0, 'sec-fetch-site' > 0, 'same-origin' > 0, 'sec-fetch-user' > 0, '?1' > 0, 'sec-gpc' > 0, '1' > 0, 'upgrade-insecure-requests' > 0, '1' > 0, 'user-agent' > -3, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 > (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' > 0, 'x-client-data' > -45, 'CKa1yQEIj7bJAQiltskBCKmdygEI5tTKAQieicsBCJahywEIhaDNAQjwsc0BCNy9zQEI38TNAQi1xc0BCLnKzQEI1dDNAQiR0s0BCIrTzQEIwtTNAQjJ1s0BCPnA1BUYwcvMARi4v80B' > > 'XPACK comp. ratio response', 0.25389886578449905, 1.340300870942201 > 'HPACK comp. ratio response', 0.24155245746691867, 1.3184827478775605 > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Arch' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Bitness' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Model' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Platform' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -2, 'Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version' > 0, 'accept-ch' > -1, 'Sec-CH-UA-WoW64' > 0, 'alt-svc' > 0, 'h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000' > 0, 'cache-control' > 0, 'private, max-age=0' > 0, 'content-encoding' > 0, 'br' > 0, 'content-length' > 0, '54188' > 0, 'content-security-policy-report-only' > -2, 'object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src > 'nonce-OqX2tRcsQ42YI77KwfGMfg' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' > 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https' > 0, 'http:;report-uri https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/gws/other-hp' > 0, 'content-type' > -1, 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' > 0, 'cross-origin-opener-policy' > 0, 'same-origin-allow-popups; report-to="gws"' > 0, 'date' > -2, 'Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:46:19 GMT' > 0, 'expires' > 0, '-1' > 0, 'origin-trial' > -50, 'Ap+qNlnLzJDKSmEHjzM5ilaa908GuehlLqGb6ezME5lkhelj20qVzfv06zPmQ3LodoeujZuphAolrnhnPA8w4AIAAABfeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5nb29nbGUuY29tOjQ0MyIsImZlYXR1cmUiOiJQZXJtaXNzaW9uc1BvbGljeVVubG9hZCIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTY4NTY2Mzk5OX0=' > 0, 'origin-trial' > -83, 'AvudrjMZqL7335p1KLV2lHo1kxdMeIN0dUI15d0CPz9dovVLCcXk8OAqjho1DX4s6NbHbA/AGobuGvcZv0drGgQAAAB9eyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5nb29nbGUuY29tOjQ0MyIsImZlYXR1cmUiOiJCYWNrRm9yd2FyZENhY2hlTm90UmVzdG9yZWRSZWFzb25zIiwiZXhwaXJ5IjoxNjkxNTM5MTk5LCJpc1N1YmRvbWFpbiI6dHJ1ZX0=' > 0, 'p3p' > -2, 'CP="This is not a P3P policy! See g.co/p3phelp for more info."' > 0, 'permissions-policy' > 0, 'unload=()' > 0, 'report-to' > 0, '{"group":"gws","max_age":2592000,"endpoints":[{"url":"https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/report-to/gws/other"}]}' > 0, 'server' > 0, 'gws' > 0, 'set-cookie' > 0, '1P_JAR=2023-11-22-18; expires=Fri, 22-Dec-2023 18:46:19 GMT; > path=/; domain=.google.com; Secure; SameSite=none' > 0, 'set-cookie' > -23, 'AEC=Ackid1QH6gVXB6Rn68KWRmRtOGSW1unAfUHYsxuZh3Zs8cyWCZdKy8vrhQ; > expires=Mon, 20-May-2024 18:46:19 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com; > Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax' > 0, 'set-cookie' > -19, 'NID=511=fx_DiN-XffVTX7QHZe7UgP5GQd0mx2HY9B0Hz6MgzEpOESnD8DldcSLyj-U6AHIo8t4-dcOKelciAyOK2j03GJE1r_31zKvXnECnKWvOQiFPO6mtTTaCZWqtn2x8m5lnzbB_CyUA-HzXz-Vw3TXC0eeW_AQlcu8CybBgyxtW5Kc; > expires=Thu, 23-May-2024 18:46:19 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com; > Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=none' > 0, 'strict-transport-security' > 0, 'max-age=31536000' > 0, 'x-frame-options' > -12, 'SAMEORIGIN' > 0, 'x-xss-protection' > 0, '0' > > https://github.com/falsandtru/spica/blob/master/src/ascii.xpack.ts >
Received on Friday, 8 December 2023 20:35:29 UTC