IETF 118 hackathon project for resumable uploads

Hello everybody,

we have been thinking about offering a hackathon project at the IETF 118
regarding resumable uploads. This is not entirely decided yet but there is
some interest. This endeavor also depends on whether we find one or more
fitting projects. Some ideas that were brought up during the first brain
storming session are:

- Create a server prototype that runs on serverless infrastructure (e.g.
Cloudflare Worker, AWS Lambda, GCP Cloud Functions). The appeal is that
serverless functions might make it easier to scale the number of uploads.
- Create a JavaScript polyfill that adds resumable uploads to the Fetch API
in browsers. There is a ticket discussing adding resumable uploads into
browsers ( It would be helpful
if one of the API proposals can be implemented via a polyfill, allowing us
to quickly evaluate the API design.

Let me know if you have other ideas as well or are interested in
participating. If we find a suitable project, I can add it to the hackathon

Best regards
Marius Kleidl

Received on Friday, 20 October 2023 09:54:35 UTC