Re: Alt-SvcB

On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 11:06:00AM +1100, Martin Thomson wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> The Alt-Svc design team has been very busy recently and making some
> progress on working out an alternative alternative services design.
> I just posted
> as a -00 draft.  This outlines the alternative design that we've
> been exploring in the design team.

How is the client supposed to behave if the initial request gets
404? According to list of steps, the connection completes (because 404
is not 421 nor 5xx). But then the text says that the client MUST NOT
remember the service alternate name (because 404 is not 2xx nor 3xx).
And what about 4xx codes that can trigger actions, like 401?


Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2022 12:43:59 UTC