Re: URL, URI and the w3c

On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 9:18 AM Roberto Polli <> wrote:

> I am curious then what  a specification like OAuth-Somethin which
> relies on both browsers and generic user agents
> should adopt...

I think it’s the case that browsers will accept any 3986-conforming URI
that is within its abilities, i.e. http:, https: (and maybe ftp, etc?).
The WhatWG’s goal was to describe, accurately and interoperably, what
browsers actually do, thus it is highly likely that it accepts all sorts of
URL instances that are not 3986-conforming. and would be rejected, for
example, by REST APIs.

> Thanks++,
> R.

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:11:46 UTC