Re: Digest: use in requests

Am 28.12.2020 um 18:57 schrieb Roberto Polli:
> Dear all / chairs,
> I think this is the last relevant issue to face in Digest, and
> we really need your support. To reduce noise, I tried to tackle it
> directly with @Julian Reschke - which I have to thank for all the support.
> This discussion has been lingering around since IETF-106 so it would be great
> to tackle it.
> The point is related to whether Digest on requests containing
> partial representations should be computed on the payload-data
> or on the representation data. The actual Digest formulation derives
 > ...

And this is where the problem starts.

Could you please *define* what a request "containing a partial
representation" is, and how a component can detect that case?

Furthermore, a real-world example would be useful.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 28 December 2020 18:29:04 UTC