Re: Genart last call review of draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-18

In message <>, Mark Nottingham writes:
>On 6 May 2020, at 6:29 am, Poul-Henning Kamp <> wrote:
>> In class B people deal with huge numbers by downscaling:  Millions,
>> Trillions, GigaBytes and PetaBytes.  Nobody really cares if the
>> stimulus was or dollars, so
>> sawing of the right hand side is a good way to make numbers =
>> at the cost of suffixing multiplier: $125M
>This makes me wonder whether we should add an example to stimulate =
>readers' imagination in this direction; e.g.,
>Example-ScaledInt: 4503;suffix=3DM

Would that work without an explanation ?

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk@FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

Received on Wednesday, 6 May 2020 07:00:52 UTC