- From: Olivier Boel EXT <olivier.boel@clearstream.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 12:42:24 +0000
- To: "ietf-http-wg@w3.org" <ietf-http-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <8ab91974ac914933ae7ef821c18dd717@clearstream.com>
The below email is classified: Internal Hello, I have some doubts regarding how client should act in case server replies to "Expect: 100 Continue" with a final status (> 199). RFC says: A server that responds with a final status code before reading the entire message body SHOULD indicate in that response whether it intends to close the connection or continue reading and discarding the request message. I would translate "whether it intends to close the connection" into "Connection: close" and "continue reading and discarding the request message" into "Connection: keep-alive". In this latter case, IMHO, as the server already sent a final status (meaning "the request-line and header fields are sufficient to cause an immediate success, redirect, or error response"), client should understand it is not worthwhile to send the message body before actually doing so (which can improve efficiency when the message body is huge or when the client anticipates that an error is likely) even though server says "Connection: keep-alive", but rather send the next request. Otherwise, the only way for the server to prevent the client sending the message body is to close the connection, which is rather drastic and not so in line with HTTP/1.1. Can anyone clarify this? Thanks, Olivier B. ----------------------------------------- Diese E-Mail enthaelt vertrauliche oder rechtlich geschuetzte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der beabsichtigte Empfaenger sind, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und loeschen Sie diese E-Mail. Das unbefugte Kopieren dieser E-Mail oder die unbefugte Weitergabe der enthaltenen Informationen ist nicht gestattet. The information contained in this message is confidential or protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete this message. Any unauthorised copying of this message or unauthorised distribution of the information contained herein is prohibited. Legally required information for business correspondence/ Gesetzliche Pflichtangaben fuer Geschaeftskorrespondenz: http://deutsche-boerse.com/letterhead
Received on Friday, 10 April 2020 10:39:47 UTC