Re: NEW PREFERENCE - depth-noroot (request for expert review)

On 13/01/2017 12:16 a.m., Julian Reschke wrote:
> Hi there,
> draft-murchison-webdav-prefer-13 defines a new "prefer" directive (RFC
> 7240) in
> <>.
> Please review and provide feedback.
> Best regards, Julian

After reading the preference section I am left wondering:

1) what does Appendix B.4 have to do with it?
 there is no use of the preference in the examples.

2) what happens when Depth:0 is given in the request with depth-noroot?

3) what happens when the Depth header is omitted in the request with

4) what methods this preference is actually valid for?
 The depth-noroot text references Depth header existence *or implicit*,
but the Depth header leaves it open and explicitly says any method can
re-define Depth. That does not bode well for implementations getting
interoperability correct. Particularly for the impliciat-Depth methods.


Received on Thursday, 12 January 2017 11:44:53 UTC