The issue I ran into is that 'charset' was defined by both RFC 5987 and RFC
RFC 5988 defines Link using ext-value
RFC 6266 defines Content-Disposition using ext-value
RFC 5987 defines ext-value as `charset "'" [ language ] "'" value-chars`
and charset in terms of mime-charset from Section 2.3 of RFC 2978
RFC 7231 defines charset as a case insensitive token, it is only used for
Though it does mention that charset may be used in other places (such as in
media type parameters)
I guess there is no true conflict here; but it might be nice to address in
a future update.
On 10 May 2016 at 18:27, Julian Reschke <>
> On 2016-05-10 10:05, Mark Nottingham wrote:
>> This is not an errata; it is a suggestion for a technical change in the
>> document, and needs to be discussed by the working group.
>> If you'd like to make suggestions, the best place to do so is the issues
>> list for this document set:
>> Regards,
> +1
> Furthermore, I disagree with that change. The purpose of the ABNF
> production *in the HTTP spec* is to define how field values are parsed, not
> how potentially invalid charset names are to be detected.
> Best regards, Julian