Re: #539: Priority from server to client

On 2014–07–16, at 7:08 AM, Martin Thomson <> wrote:

> On 15 July 2014 16:04, David Krauss <> wrote:
>> This applies to option (1) and the text in the pull request ( ), not to option (2) and server-sent PRIORITY frames. Although I was initially in favor of (2) as well, such behavior seems very application-specific. Upload prioritization commands should be in the ALPN extension domain; this might include PRIORITY frames per se or maybe not.
> If you are proposing doing (1), why does this include the
> prioritization information in the HEADERS frame that starts the
> response and not the PUSH_PROMISE frame?

There is no HEADERS associated with a push; that functionality is already rolled into PUSH_PROMISE.

Such technical specification seems absent from the pull request anyway. It does not add the flag to the frame, unless more changes exist than the one I linked.

If there’s still any confusion, to be clear: the latest proposal appears to apply only to PUSH_PROMISE and nothing else, so that’s what I’m talking about.

Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2014 23:21:44 UTC