Re: Sending priority from a server

On 11 July 2014 18:12, David Krauss <> wrote:
> Prioritization isn’t a choice. Everything must be assigned a priority in a prioritizing multiplexer.
> Is it reasonable to require that every PUSH gets default priority? Certainly not; the application very probably has some idea of the relative urgency of the information. Is the HTTP/2 definition of priority strong enough to stop a server from applying priority anyway? Also no; even if the priority is nominally default a server can order frames however it likes.
> The urge to put something clever in every special case is a destructive one. At most, second-guessing should be discouraged by a note that initialized push priority is voluntary information from the server, and usually should not be taken as a basis for negotiation. But, any program that tries to treat the other side as a slave (client or server) by constructive interpretation of the protocol is going to act pathologically anyway.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.  Can you turn
that into something actionable?  a) accept the PR, b) reject the PR,
c) make some other change ?

Received on Saturday, 12 July 2014 02:42:53 UTC