Re: Other work items

On 2014-06-13 21:00, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> On 12 Jun 2014, at 4:55 pm, Julian Reschke <> wrote:
>> There are also other things to think about for future HTTP work, such as, in no particular order:
>> - how to handle RFC723? errata
> That’s an administrative issue; we don’t need to be in the same room to figure it out.
>> - addressing the C-E/Range Request issue
> That needs a draft and a serious amount of discussion on-list first; two hours in a room in Toronto are not going to move it significantly forward if we don’t have those first.

I'm not sure how you decide when face-to-face makes sense or not :-)

> Is anyone writing a draft here?
>> - enhanced discover of C-E support
> Again, we need a draft. Is anyone writing?

I already did ;-)

>> - common header field syntax (JSON?)
> This is VERY speculative (although I have thought about it too). I-D?


>> ...essentially all HTTP related topic that have come up in the past but was but aside due to other priorities.
> Indeed, these things are in-scope for our WG. However, we don’t necessarily have to meet to make progress on them, especially when they haven’t yet been discussed on-list.

Well, most of this has been discussed before.

I just wanted to point out that just because we currently don't have 
HTTP/2 issues to discuss doesn't mean a WG meeting wouldn't make sense.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 13 June 2014 21:07:43 UTC