Re: Negotiating compression

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:10:58PM +0000, Richard Wheeldon (rwheeldo) wrote:
> From: Michael Sweet [] 
>  > if I am reading Richard's CWS stats correctly on request header sizes, it looks like the vast majority of all web requests use less than 1k of headers
> Less than 2 certainly. They're rounded down to the nearest KB. I can get more
> numbers if folks have a particular interest to drill down in,

It would be nice to filter only on those which were actually accepted by
the server (eg: returned a 2xx or 3xx status code only). But that's clearly
very interesting data, I only had the opportunity to work on a much smaller
data set in the past!


Received on Thursday, 29 May 2014 06:29:14 UTC