Re: Project idea

Thank you for the answers!

I'm glad to hear that the spec will settle by the early summer!

As Ilya mentioned, there's a spdy module for node. Do you think that it
would worth the effort to implement a separate http2 module? Or should I
expect HTTP2 to be very close to SPDY? I know that it is based on SPDY, but
have no idea how far it will diverge from SPDY.


2013/3/14 Ilya Grigorik <>

> Hi Gabor.
> Just in case, make sure you check out:
> works very well.
> ig
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:51 AM, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
>> Hi Gábor,
>> Our current plan is to have something suitable for implementation by
>> early summer, so this is feasible.
>> Of course, that's not a guarantee; we'll need to choose a header
>> compression algorithm by then. However, if you architect well, this
>> shouldn't be a showstopper, since you can plug new compression algorithms
>> in later.
>> If you decide to proceed, please do keep us informed; I'm sure people
>> here would be interested and willing to provide feedback.
>> Regards,
>> On 14/03/2013, at 7:58 AM, Gábor Molnár <> wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I'd like to hear your opinion about a project that would result in an
>> early prototype implementation of HTTP2 (as a node.js module) by the end of
>> the summer. I am a student, and this is a project idea for the 2013 Google
>> Summer of Code, but I'd like to do some preliminary research about the
>> feasibility of the idea before contacting any mentoring organization with
>> it.
>> >
>> > The project would look very similar to Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's great
>> sdpylay suite (it would include a simple server as well as a command line
>> client and debugging tools besides the core library) except that it would
>> be written in JavaScript for node.js (that would make prototyping much
>> easier compared to  C or C++). The emphasis would be on easy-to-understand
>> and well documented code instead of performance.
>> >
>> > I know that the current state of the standard is not suitable for
>> implementation yet. Do you think that it will mature fast enough to start
>> implementing an early prototype it in the summer?
>> >
>> > Please share your thoughts about the idea.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >    Gábor Molnár
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 14:57:13 UTC