Re: DNS record support and draft-lear-httpbis-svcinfo-rr

On 3/25/13 12:42 PM, Patrick McManus wrote:
> Hi, Eliot - I suspect you expect me to be taking a larger interest in
> this draft.

Right, but not exclusively.  The work would have to be supported by others.
> And indeed it is trying to solve an important problem, and indeed when
> the is a http/2 draft marked for implementation, and when I have that
> implementation, I hope to experiment with a DNS method to identify
> servers. Upgrade isn't something I plan to implement which makes this
> more important.
> So let's keep that door open.


> But this stage of the working group probably isn't the right place to
> be standardizing something that nobody has any running code or
> experience with. That's putting the cart before the horse. To the
> extent that the design space needs to be aware of it, that's totally
> cool.

I don't think there's a hurry to do this, but neither do I want to waste
my time developing a draft for which there is little interest.  Doing a
server implementation is relatively easy, and probably so is the client
implementation to, do be fair.  I just don't happen to have a browser

> I hope that explains why I'm interested in the work more than the
> actual draft or wg process for it and I am certainly grateful for the
> thought you've given the matter and the time it has taken to write it
> down.
Thanks for that.


Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 12:26:49 UTC