Re: The document's address

On 8 March 2013 08:15, Julian Reschke <> wrote:

> On 2013-03-08 17:10, Nicholas Shanks wrote:
>> On 8 March 2013 15:42, Julian Reschke <> wrote:
>>  That implies a concept of hierarchical ownership that simply does not
>>> exist
>>> in HTTP. It might for some servers, but there's no guarantee.
>> Can you provide an example (make one up) where ownership cannot be
>> defined as hierarchical and accumulative?
> Pretty much any server that is backed by a content management system where
> ACLs can be set on individual resources.
We have this exact issue for push in HTTP/2.0.  The solution is to require
the server to understand the ownership structure of all the resources that
it serves and to enforce any constraints as necessary.

That's a fairly fundamental change to the expectations and responsibilities
around routing and ownership.  Clearly there are cases where this is
difficult for a server.  We have text on the subject, but more feedback is
always welcome.  We certainly do not make any assumptions about a
hierarchical structure to ownership.  That's the server's business.


Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 19:30:55 UTC