Re: Should Web Services be served by a different HTTP n+1?

On 2013-01-24 17:18, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> ...
> Which is exactly what I was doing
> ...

I didn't have that impression. Sorry.

> ...
> And I have been more than active in this conversation for your comments
> to be rather patronizing.
> I thought that the conversation was taking HTTP2.0 to a place that I
> think incompatible with good Web Services practice. People assured me
> that they want one protocol. I then stated that if they want one
> protocol the conversation is going in the wrong direction.
> I don't care how you polish the compression scheme, it is still going to
> be a compression scheme.
> ...

IMHO: if HTTP/2 turns out to be something that can't be used with "web 
services", then we have screwed up things royally.

That being said: can you clarify what you understand as "web service", 
and how exactly it differs from a browser scenario? That would be 
helpful to understand your concern.

BTW: I'm also not a big fan of introducing too much complexity into the 
header representation; I think there's a consensus that that new 
complexity needs to be justified by what we gain from it.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 16:26:04 UTC