inv-maxage Cache-Control directive syntax, was: Fwd: I-D Action: draft-nottingham-linked-cache-inv-00.txt

On 2011-05-28 02:56, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> FYI. This is an individual draft, not a WG effort. Nevertheless, feedback welcome.
> Regards,
> ...

it would be good to define the edge parsing edge cases, such as:

- multiple instances of the directive,

- missing argument,

- use of quoted-string.

I would propose to say that:

- the parameter value needs to follow the delta-seconds ABNF after 
applying generic C-D parsing,

- that a missing argument is to be treated as empty string (thus 
invalid), and

- that specifying multiple instances makes the Cache-Control header 
invalid with respect to this directive (thus the header field should be 
processed as if inv-maxage wasn't specified at all).

Optimally, including examples :-)

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 12:12:39 UTC