multiplexing over more than one connection


I know this is a long discussed issue when multiplexing (specifically around SPDY): the benefits of one optimized connection vs multiple. However, as we most likely will use TCP as an underlying protocol, using one connection exposes us to packet loss impacts. (It is also true that in cases of packet loss – it may impact all established connections).

Did anyone in this forum explored implementing something like link aggregation (or connection aggregation)?
We can have an upgrade mechanism where the server and client can negotiate adding a connection to their channel.
The server can publish, or announce that it supports it, and the client can try to establish an additional connection with some identification/verification, and only once this is verified the channel could be "upgraded" to utilize the additional connection.
Basically establishing link aggregation.
If the upgrade isn't supported, or won't work, we can always remain with a single connection. (and we know it may break in some connection with loadbalancers, or if we can't assure server stickiness).

Using such a mechanism we can ensure better redundancy and recovery mechanisms, but still dramatically reducing the number of connections.

I would be happy to know what people think.

- Ido

Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 01:40:41 UTC