Re: [#95] Multiple Content-Lengths

How about:

... If this is a response message received by a proxy or gateway, the proxy or gateway MUST discard the received response and close its connection, and MUST send a 502 (Bad Gateway) status code to the client. ...

Although that second MUST gives me pause; there may be situations where it can use a stale response, or it may want to retry.

On 20/09/2010, at 4:58 PM, Thomson, Martin wrote:

> Clarity suggestion only:
>>       ...  If this is a response message received by
>>       a proxy or gateway, the proxy or gateway MUST discard the
>>       received response, send a 502 (Bad Gateway) status code as its
>>       downstream response, and then close the connection.  ...
> The construction of the sentence could be (if I were being especially dense) mistaken to mean that the connection between intermediary and client is closed, when you really mean that the connection between intermediary and server is closed.
>   If this is a response message received by an intermediary, the intermediary MUST discard the response and close the upstream connection, and send a 502 status code as its downstream response.
> I don't think that there needs to be any implied order to these actions, as implied by the "then".
> --Martin

Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 07:03:21 UTC