Re: NEW: #225: PUT and DELETE invalidation vs. staleness

On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, Mark Nottingham wrote:

> On 29/07/2010, at 12:08 PM, Yves Lafon wrote:
>> Just checked my implementation, and it marks it as stale, mandating 
>> revalidation. It is really up to implementation, so p2 should defer to 
>> p6 for the definition of what a cache should do in any case (to remove 
>> the current conflict), and let implementation decide.
> If you mandate revalidation, it's not just stale; it conforms to the p6 
> definition of invalidation. Calling it 'stale' will confuse matters.

My code mandates revalidation, so it conforms to p6, the modification in 
p6 from "invalid" to "stale" is just to reflect what is in p2.

In a way, marking it stale makes more sense, serving content will happen 
only if the cache can't revalidate, so if contacting the server is 
impossible, and it is not worse than asking another cache that might have 
the same outdated information.

If the server really don't want that to happen, must-revalidate is in 

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Thursday, 29 July 2010 10:28:50 UTC