Re: Issue 196, was: #110: how to determine what entity a response carries

On 23.04.2010 05:46, Thomson, Martin wrote:
> Mark:
>> Suggested introduction:
>> HTTP requests often do not carry the absolute-URI [ref to 3986] for
>> they are intended; instead, the value needs to be inferred from the
>> request-target, Host header and other context. The result of this
>> process is the "Effective Request URI."
> The first part of this sentence doesn't parse for me.  Perhaps:
>    HTTP requests often do not carry an absolute URI [RFC3986].  The absolute URI is instead inferred from the...
> ...



"HTTP requests often do not carry the absolute URI ([RFC3986], Section 
4.3) for the resource they are intended for; instead, the value needs to 
be inferred from the request-target, Host header and other context. The 
result of this process is the "Effective Request URI"."

(I think have the ABNF components from which the URI is derived from is 

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 26 April 2010 11:01:32 UTC