Re: issue 85 - range unit extensions

> mån 2008-09-01 klockan 08:25 -0600 skrev Kris Zyp:
>> > Are caches allowed (in principle) to split/merge these ranges, if they
>> > knew how?  Would such caches operate on the item syntax -
>> > i.e. structured JSON in the message body?
>> Yes and yes, I thought that was the idea of Ranges.
> Can it do so without parsing the body? I.e. by simple concatenation of
> the items?

No, it requires some level of JSON parsing.

> If the bodies of the parts involved needs to be parsed and reformatted
> in some way to merge them in a larger response then range units is not
> appropriate as the response entities then really is separate entities on
> their own and not just parts of a larger entity.

I didn't know there was such rules for alternate range units.


Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:39:42 UTC